Attachment in Foster Care
This training will examine the different attachment styles, assist foster parents in cultivating their ability to be thoughtful and responsive to the foster child’s needs, and identify coping skills and strategies for both foster parents and children as they progress toward the formation of a more healthy and secure attachment.
Grief and Loss in Foster Care
This training will identify the challenges of facing grief and loss due to the transitional nature of caring for foster children. Participants will identify coping skills and resilience factors to manage grief and loss.
LGBTQ Youth in Care
This training gives participants the opportunity to gain understanding into the basic facts about LGBTQ youth in care and the issues they face.
Reducing Disruptions
Participants will be able to define disruptions and contributing factors in foster care. They will learn the effects disruptions can have on a child and acquire knowledge of interventions and strategies for reducing disruptions.
Runaway Behaviors
This training will give understanding into why runaway behaviors can be a chosen coping skill by at risk youth as well as identify proactive measures to prevent runaway behaviors.
Safety Awareness for Caregivers
This training meets the requirements set forth by the BSRB and KSA 2009 Supp. 65-6313 that all new social workers must have at least six hours of social worker safety awareness training as part of the forty hours of Continuing Education that is required for licensure renewal.
Awareness is the first element of defense. Assessment of client history and the environment helps prepare social workers for dangerous situations. Use of effective communication to de-escalate emotions and self-defense will be incorporated into this training.
The staff is the most important asset to any organization. If you are looking for basic workplace training or to invest in staff development, please contact us.