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Is your nonprofit exploring the possibility of grant writing for the first time? After all, if much of your budget came from special events like annual awards dinners and fun runs, you probably need to diversify. Even if you’re financially stable for now, any nonprofit can benefit from looking at all their funding options and choosing the ones that align best with their mission and strengths.

All kinds of nonprofits have been successful at receiving grants. That includes large and small organizations, as well as brand new charities and those with a long history. Working with an experienced grant writing team can increase your chances of success. Whatever path you choose, here are a few suggestions that will help you get off to a strong start.

What Newcomers Need to Know about Nonprofit Grant Writing

Do Your Research for Nonprofit Grant Writing

Start by making a list of funders who could be prospects for supporting your nonprofit. A consultant can help you do this efficiently or you can find free resources like The Foundation Center and the websites for individual foundations, corporations, and religious groups. Additionally, pay attention to their giving histories and any limitations based on geography and other factors.

Create a Boilerplate Proposal

You’ve probably customized your cover letters and resumes when you’re job hunting. Grant writing is similar in some ways. You’ll benefit from having a strong boilerplate proposal for operational support that you can edit as needed.

Gather Collateral Materials

Many funders allow you to include some backup materials. Don’t scramble at the last minute. Indeed, be prepared with letters of support, media clips, and samples of your work.

Build Relationships

Most of all, remember that a successful grant writing program is based on your relationships with your donors and prospects. Look for ways to help them and be respectful of their time. Then, keep them updated and express your thanks for their support.

Learn More About Nonprofit Grant Writing

Are you new to grant writing or are you looking for ways to increase your annual support? Contact us at Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions. We have more than 100 years of combined experience to help your nonprofit maximize its mission.