The more you know about the importance of backing up data, the more you’ll appreciate the value of skilled and affordable nonprofit IT support. Take a look at a few things we’d like to share with any nonprofit that is trying to decide whether they need outside help with their data and other technology functions.
In our experience, nonprofits could run into trouble that could have been avoided. Don’t let these scenarios get in the way of your valuable work:
Your Data May Be More Valuable Than You Think
Maybe you think data backups are for big corporations or for hospitals where patient data could be a life and death matter. Maybe losing your data wouldn’t be fatal, but how many days of work can you afford to lose? You don’t want to be stuck when a foundation or the IRS asks you for the information you can’t provide. Similarly, you don’t want to plan a fundraising campaign without being able to access your donor list.
You Mean to Back up Your Data but You Keep Forgetting
Even if you acknowledge that backups are important, maybe you haven’t gotten around to automating the process so it doesn’t happen regularly. Then again, if no one is monitoring the automated updates, they may not be happening regularly either.
Your Data Backups Aren’t as Effective as You Think
Do you assume you’re safe because your backups are taking place as planned? If you’re still using manual methods, your tapes may be damaged or you may never have tested your recovery process. We can help you find the right mix of backup solutions for your individual needs.
While you’re focusing on serving your clients, let Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions provide the efficient, effective administrative support you need. Our leadership team has a combined 100+ years of experience in working with nonprofit organizations. Contact us to learn more.